519Web Kincardine

What is Your Focus-Inspiration Keyword (FIK) For Next Year?

Picture of Deborah Clarke

Deborah Clarke

I found a replacement for new years resolutions, something that works. It can be used by anyone. Individuals can use it to personally stay focused; teams can come up with a FIK for their sport or department; business owners can use it as inspirational direction for their business.

What is Your Focus-Inspiration Keyword (FIK) For Next Year?

It’s a snowy Sunday afternoon, early in December.  And as I sit here at my computer writing, I start to reflect on the coming year. My mind quickly went to thinking about my Focus-Inspiration Keyword (FIK) for next year.

What is that you ask?
Well … a few years back,  I found a replacement for new years resolutions! Something that works.

This simple little technique will keep you inspired and focused throughout the year.

Instead of making a new years resolution that you won’t keep … come up with a FOCUS-INSPIRATION KEYWORD, that you can repeat to yourself throughout the year to refocus, bring you back to center, and to help you make decisions.

What will



be for


It was the year I retired from my corporate career, that I decided to set a ‘focus, inspiration keyword’ for myself. It was 2014, just as I was jumping back into my life as an entrepreneur.

Here are the keywords I’ve used since that time.  Each represents a time and place that I was personally and in my career/business.  Can you see how each might have influenced my decision making throughout the year?
2014 was “Explore”

2015 was “Clarity”

2016 was “Simplicity”

2017 was “Gratitude”

2018 was “Faith”

2019 was “Build” … moved, built a new house, started @519web

2020 was “Remarkable” (covid hit March 2020)

2021 was “Routine” (covid continues)

2022, I’m leaning toward “Breakthrough”

What will your FOCUS-INSPIRATION KEYWORD be for 2022? The idea behind this is coming back to this word over and over throughout the year to help you to clearly focus, or refocus, on your intent for the year.

It works! Share your FOCUS-INSPIRATION KEYWORD for 2022 and pass it on through one of your social media channels below!

#inspirationkeyword #focuskeyword #newyearresolution



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Picture of Deborah Clarke

Deborah Clarke

Deborah has spent her entire career managing change. She was either growing a business from nothing or managing change within larger organizations to make a major shift in a new direction. As a small business leader, with a strong foundation of knowledge and experience in marketing, business development and accounting, Deborah Clarke brings 30+ years of hands-on experience to 519web, a full service digital marketing agency located in Kincardine, Ontario.

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