519Web Kincardine

Websites that Work

Picture of Deborah Clarke

Deborah Clarke

A common problem that we see over and over again with our clients is that they don’t even know what they need to make their website successful. Don’t worry, we are here for you. We carefully collaborate with a team of professionals to create the best website that is fully optimized, strategically aligned and professionally written. We know how to create quality websites that build connections and make you money. And we can do it for your business too. You have better things to do than research plug-ins on a Saturday night.

Websites that Work

What do I need to do to get my website working for me 24/7?
(Revised Stats and Content for 2024)

Websites That Work

Many business owners recognize the need for a strong online presence, including a website, to grow their business and connect with customers.

However, there’s a lot more to think about when it comes to developing a website than meets the eye.

  • Which platform should I use?
  • How do I get an SEO optimized site?
  • Do I need a lead generator? How do I automate that?
  • What’s Google analytics? How do I read it?
  • Which plug-ins do I need?
  • What about mobile responsiveness?

There’s so much to consider before you make a decision and that analysis can easily lead to overwhelm and paralysis.

A common problem that we see over and over again with our clients is that they don’t even know what they need to make their website successful. Don’t worry, we are here for you.

We carefully collaborate with a team of professionals to create the best website that is fully optimized, strategically aligned and professionally written. We know how to create quality websites that build connections and make you money. And we can do it for your business too. You have better things to do than research plug-ins on a Saturday night.

Here’s the top 3 things you need to consider before building a website:

  • Not All Platforms are Created Equal

All of our custom websites are built on WordPress using Elementor and Elementor pro themes, which ensure ease of use for the customer and the client. WordPress sites are safe and secure and are constantly being updated with new security measures.

Your choice of platform can make or break your website. That’s why we trust WordPress—the platform that powers a staggering 43.2% of all websites, and 62.9% (2023) to as high as 64.2% (Dec 2023) of all CMS websites, according to a recent market share analysis by W3Techs.

Why WordPress, you ask? It’s the most customizable option for your business, it’s secure, constantly updated, and user-friendly—for both you and your customers.

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, the right Content Management System (CMS) can make all the difference. Having a powerful, user-friendly CMS is key to establishing and maintaining an effective online presence. 

WordPress is trusted by millions and in our opinion, is the best platform out there. That’s why we use it.

  • SEO Ready Website

Without SEO, building a website is like putting up a billboard in the desert. It could be a beautiful billboard, but nobody will see it. And that’s a problem. SEO stands for search engine optimization and it’s really important to the success of your website. SEO gets complicated really quickly as it’s constantly changing and evolving.

Luckily for you, at 519web, we work with a team of global web developers who are on top of cutting edge SEO standards and can help your website get found on Google. We optimize the page structure, build SEO plugins, optimize images and tags. Additionally, all of our sites are optimized for voice searches, which sets us apart from the competition. Other platforms don’t offer these insider only strategies to help you get found. Make sure you consider SEO before building a website.

  • Stunning Graphic Design

We want your clients to have the best user experience. That’s why we build beautiful and functional websites that get noticed. Your business deserves people’s attention and our talented designers help bring your vision to life.

Smart and beautiful works best. Looks matter and it’s important that your online presence helps build brand recognition and is easy to navigate and helpful to the customer. People will judge your business based on your website, so you may as well make it beautiful. Having an aesthetically pleasing site (beautiful) that is strategically designed using a marketing formula to grow your business (smart) will help you see a clear return on investment.

 Impress your customers and build trust right from the first click. Check out our portfolio to see our work in action!  

This is just the tip of the ice-burg when it comes to website development. At 519web, we know that you want the best for your company and we’re here to guide you through each step of the website creation process and beyond.

We are a full service digital marketing agency, focused on business growth. Offering local expertise and global standards, we make sure the website creation process is easy, fun and efficient.  You can rest assured that your digital presence matches your company’s trustworthy reputation and builds brand loyalty.

Whatever you need, we can help you create it. And if you’re not sure what you need, we will help you figure out the best digital marketing strategy so you can be an industry leader and connect with your customers.

519web proudly offers custom websites, one page sites and e-commerce sites to take your business to the next level. We are committed to your success and will help you with each step of the journey.

Ready to get started? Book a free strategy call with Deb today.

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Picture of Deborah Clarke

Deborah Clarke

Deborah has spent her entire career managing change. She was either growing a business from nothing or managing change within larger organizations to make a major shift in a new direction. As a small business leader, with a strong foundation of knowledge and experience in marketing, business development and accounting, Deborah Clarke brings 30+ years of hands-on experience to 519web, a full service digital marketing agency located in Kincardine, Ontario.

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